Many organizations now use automated Decision Aids and models to help analyze and display data and improve the decision making process. To improve speed and accuracy, these systems are often designed to automatically ingest digital data using a direct machine-to-machine transfer.
The real time observed weather data from WeatherFlow’s network is being used extensively in this manner, feeding the U.S. Coast Guard’s Environmental Data Server (EDS) for Search and Rescue planning software, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Meteorological Data Server (MDS) for plume dispersion modeling, and the National Weather Service’s Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest Data Ingest System (MADIS) for use in the Automated Weather Information Processing System (AWIPS).
Our data feeds can include WeatherFlow and public source observation and model forecast data, can be tailored to your specific requirements for content and delivery, and can be provided in any industry standard format, including XML, CSV, .grb, NetCDF, SOS, and others.