What Is Dew Point? How Dew Point And Humidity Relate

dew forming on grass because of the dew point being close to the actual temperature

Understanding dew point and its relation to humidity can be tricky. But, having the right weather instruments and tools can make tracking and measuring both easier. 

Dew point is commonly used in weather reports, especially during the summer. But, it’s not always clear to people how it impacts outdoor conditions. So, what does dew point mean, and how does it relate to humidity? We’ll cover each of these questions in further detail below. 

See how the Tempest Home Weather System provides accurate weather data for your precise location, including dew point, temperature, and humidity readings.

a foggy landscape due to the dew point being close to the actual temperature

What Is Dew Point?

The dew point is the exact temperature at which the air would need to cool to become 100% saturated with moisture. When the temperature drops below the dew point, the air cannot hold any more moisture as water vapor, causing liquid to form as fog or precipitation.

What Is Dew Point Vs Humidity?

Dew point and humidity both measure moisture in the air but in different ways. Relative humidity tells you the percentage of water vapor in the air out of the full amount it can hold. Warm air can hold more moisture content than cold air, so 60% relative humidity feels very different at 50 degrees compared to 80 degrees. 

As the dew point rises, it will feel more muggy and humid outside. The dew point scale is more effective at indicating comfort levels than relative humidity

Read our quick guide to learn what measures humidity and how to accurately interpret these readings. 

a digital hygrometer next to the tempest weather system, both reading dew point

How To Find Dew Point

You might be wondering – how do you measure dew point? There are a few methods, including a dew point calculator or formula involving temperature and relative humidity. Different types of weather instruments like a hygrometer or personal weather stations can measure dew point. If you don’t have access to these instruments, it’s typically mentioned in daily weather reports. 

Check out our recent breakdown on the difference between dry heat vs humid heat so you can stay comfortable this summer. 

What Is A Comfortable Dew Point?

The ideal dew point is between 50 and 60 degrees. Anything lower than that can make your skin feel tight and dry. When the dew point is above 60, the air can feel very heavy and oppressive, and it will be harder for your skin to dry once you break a sweat.

the Tempest Weather System in a backyard of a home

Measure Dew Point And Humidity Accurately In Your Area With The Tempest Weather System

Knowing what the dew point is can help you appropriately plan for the day ahead and understand how comfortable the weather conditions will be. The accuracy of weather forecasts can be spotty, so you can get more reliable data with a home weather system that provides precise dew point readings for your location and other weather readings like barometric pressure and lightning detection.

Shop the Tempest Weather System for a guaranteed better forecast to support all your weather-related decisions.

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