The actual physical location of a weather station is the single most important factor in determining how useful it will be. A truly well-placed station must be:
– meteorologically sound: free of obstructions, with clear fetch in all directions,
– meteorologically representative: a good indicator of conditions in the nearby area, and
– meteorologically interesting: capturing important weather conditions and variation.
The vast majority of WeatherFlow’s stations are found in data sparse areas like the coastal zone, with locations chosen to support specific customers, resolve specific small scale meteorological features, and fill critical data gaps in these data-sparse regions.
Finding and coordinating the right location for a sensor is often the most challenging part of an installation, and location selection for new stations is supervised by a WeatherFlow meteorologist, balancing the three factors listed above. That fact, combined with our durable equipment and select locations in the data sparse coastal zone, is why WeatherFlow stands out from its competitors.